A bit about me...

I am a student at the University of South Alabama and I am majoring in physical education. I am planning on getting my bachelors degree and later finishing my master's after I find a job in the school system. I started my college education in 2006 at Alabama Southern Community College before transfering to the University of South Alabama. I recommend attending a community college before going to a University. It made it so much easier for me to get my basics out of the way and finished. I work part time at a bicycle shop called Cadence 120 which is across the street from South Alabama.

Patience Towards my Students

Patience is going to be important for me to be a successful teacher. I admit that my patience level is not very good right now, but I'm working to fix that. I can remember bugging the heck out of new teachers when they first started. I wasn't the best student in high school and alot of teachers lost their patience with me. I know that this is something that I will be dealing with in my classroom. Not every student is going to be perfect and not every student is going to do what I say, therefore I am going to need all the patience I can get to work with these students. I don't want to be the teacher who loses his cool and goes off on the entire classroom because one student is disturbing the classroom. I certainly remember some of my teachers releasing there tension on the entire classroom just because one student was acting up. As a future teacher I want to be able to relax and enjoy the challenges that students give to me. PATIENCE IS THE KEY!!!

Rules and Respect

I believe that being able to follow a teachers rules and respecting your teacher and classmates is very important to being a successful student. Thats why I feel it is neccessary for me to get kids to understand how important it is to respect others. If a student doesn't respect you or your classroom rules he or she will not succeed in the classroom. I want my students to respect not only others, but respect who they are as well. It's important for students to know that they have respect for themselves. In my opinion knowing how to follow rules and knowing how respect others is the beginning of a students life. This will be something they have to do everyday for the rest of their lives.

Motivating my Students

Keeping students motivated can be hard, but it's the way to succeed and keep your students learning. If a student isn't motivated he or she is not going to learn anything. I want to be able to motivate kids like I was motivated. I can remember my family and teachers motivating me by saying you can do anything you want if you work hard enough. It wasn't much, but it certainly kept me going to this day. Now I would like to be the one to have an impact on young children. Many children are surrounded by failure and they have parents that tell them they can achieve the goals they want too. I will be glad to take the responsibility of keeping these kids motivated. However, I do believe you have to work hard as a teacher to find what motivates each and every kid. One motivation styles used on a particular student might not work on another student. I am excited about my future career and the responsibilty I will be taking to keep kids in school.

Technology in my Classroom

Technology is being used more and more everyday in the classroom. I will definitely use technology in my classroom to teach my students. Smarts boards, iTunes, youtube, Google Earth, and Google Docs will all be a part of my teaching philosophy. Google is perfect to use, because it's free and convenient. There are so many different ways I can use google in the classroom. Smart baords are something that I want to learn more about. I feel that it's neccessary for all teachers to learn how to use a smart baord.

iTunes is another convient way to teach your students. I will use iTunes and iTunesU to show podcast and videocast to my class. iTunes provides alot of information that can be helpful for any age student. Podcast and videocast are not only found in iTunes, but they can be found on peoples blogs all around the world. This is a great way to show your class how other societies focus on school around the way.

Blogging is also going to be used in my classroom. When I first started blogging I didn't understand the meaning of it, but I now realize you can learn from other peoples blogs while they get ideas from what you post. I will have my students blog about different assignments and share each others ideas. This will be a great way to share ideas with classmates and other students around the world.

Technology will be the way to get my students involved like they never imagined. This semester has cetainly done that for me. I never thought that I would be blogging and actually learning from other peoples blogs. I want to be able to provide my students with positive experiences and technology will provide me with some opportunites for them. Technology is always changing and I'm willing to keep up the pace to stay with the new technological advances. In my opinion I need to be willing to learn at all times to be a successful teacher.


I have to admit, twitter is slowly growing on me. When I was first introduced to twitter I thought it was a waste of time, but I now realize that you can learn alot from using twitter. I mainly use twitter to read other teachers post and I often find useful information from doing this. I have already learned some great teaching techniques that I would have never thought of without seeing them on twitter. Twitter is a great way for teachers to collaborate back and forth and share each others teaching strategies. As a future teacher I hope I will be able to share my techniques with people all around the world. Some of the teachers I follow also post helpful websites and podcast on twitter.

Twitter is not just a site to learn from, but it's also a great way to relieve stress and just enjoy communicating with others. It never hurts to have a good laugh every now and then. I look forward to using twitter in the future not only for myself, but I want to encourage my students to use twitter. In my opinion twitter is going to help educate indiviuals around the world for a long time. It has already helped me tremendously and I believe that there's much more to come.